Test the Containment Loop
Once you have verified the components are working using steps
1) and 2.) above, disconnect the Test Loop Wire and re-
connect the containment wire loop to the Base Station
Transmitter. Place the working collar on the ground about
five feet from the wire,
in a “clean” area of the yard. Clean means with the
least amount of metal or concrete nearby (concrete
may contain metal re-bar). This area should be free of
underground pipes if possible.
Face the collar toward the wire. This makes the face
almost parallel to the wire at that point.
Turn on the Base Station Transmitter, set the Boost
Power switch to normal (NOR), and adjust the Field
Strength Control Knob to maximum (fully clockwise).
If the BREAK DETECTION indicates a break, then the
loop is broken and needs repair. Go to step 4).
The collar should now be beeping and flashing a red light on
the face of the collar. If not, the loop is intermittent and
needs repair. Go to step 4).
Slowly adjust the Field Strength Control Knob on the
transmitter counterclockwise until the collar stops
beeping. If the collar is still beeping when the Knob
is fully counterclockwise, the Base Station
transmitter is faulty – repair or replace.
Slowly adjust the Knob clockwise and note the
beeping starts at a rate of about one beep every
half second. Continue slowly adjusting clockwise
and note the beeping rate increases to two short
beeps every half second. Continue slowly adjusting
clockwise and note the collar beeping at an even
higher rate that sounds like a string of beeps every
half second. This means the loop and the entire