Although the F-20 goes together very easily, there is still some construction involved, this is NOT a plane for
beginners, and you should have some experience with putting together ARFs. Please look carefully at the
pictures and explanations carefully before performing any work. There are many ways to build a plane, eg servo
mounting methods, it is up to the builder to fully test their airplane and flight controls before flight. As the
builder of the prototype airframe, I like to make servos serviceable as much as possible. Before you glue
anything to any surface, make sure it is clean and in the case of fiberglass parts, I sand first with 80 grit
sandpaper and then clean the area where glue will be applied. I often glue servos to surfaces, I make sure to use
tape around the servo so that when the servo is moved, you can also remove the glue by removing the tape. Try
to use a Single piece of tape around the servo as to provide more strength.
You will require some additional items before you can complete your F-20 constructions, along with some
common model building tools. The amount of channels required is a minimum of 6, but you have to be able to
mix and reverse channels, it is highly recommended that you have more than 6, the prototype model used a total
of 7, as follows: 1channles for flaps, 2 channel for elevators, 1 channel Rudder and otherwise you will
cable for Steering servo (I used a separate channel for steering), 1 channel retracts, 1 channel throttle
Additional Items Required
- HET-RC EDF9305 or similar
- Typhoon EDF motors 700-68-1400 or suitable for your power requirements
- HET-100HV
- 8 micro digital servos (2X Aileron, 2X Elevator, 2X Flaps, 1 Rudder and 1 Steering)
- Retracts
-8 ch. Computer Radio system w/ 8 servos.
- Lipo battery (Suitable for your motor and ESC)
-5 or 30 minute epoxy
-micro balloons
-CA Glue w/ accelerator
Standard Model airplane building tools:
-Drill or Dremel tool
-Xacto Knife