OMNIKEY 2061 Bluetooth Reader
User Manual, Firmware V1.27
5 .2
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The maximum number of readers connected simultaneously with a host is seven. This limitation is
caused by the Bluetooth protocol. There are only eight members within a Bluetooth Piconet.
When more than seven readers are installed on one host, if these readers are enabled and in
range of the hosts Bluetooth radio, it is unpredictable which readers are connected.
When an OMNIKEY 2061 Bluetooth reader is installed on more than one host and the Bluetooth
field of this host overlaps, it is unpredictable to which of the hosts the device will connect.
Overcome this issue by using Bluetooth radios with reduced transmission power. For instance the
Bluetooth Class 3 radio (max. range 1m) has reduced transmission power so that the Bluetooth
field area does not overlap.
The connection between a host and an OMNIKEY 2061 Bluetooth reader is interrupted by any
configuration action (
reading the Battery Status (4.2.9) or installing a new reader).
The installation of an OMNIKEY 2061 Bluetooth reader on a host interrupts any Bluetooth
connection for the duration of the installation process.
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March 24, 2010
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