6. Add the extra control line for CTRL3 (or use the RG6 shield in the feed coax) long enough to get from the shack switch
to the phase controller.
7. You will need a length of RG6 coax about the same length to connect the output of the in-line pre-amp (at the phase
controller) to your receiver port through the Hi-Z 75 to 50Ω transformer.
8. Typically the Hi-Z 4-8 phase controller and Hi-Z 4-8PRO PnP controller are located in the center of the array. That is not
necessary. However, where these two controllers are located the 8 RG6 coaxes from the Hi-Z 4-8PRO PnP controller to
the base of each vertical MUST be cut and terminated to the same length.
9. Mount the additional 4 verticals (either homebrew or Hi-Z verticals).
10. Mount the Hi-Z Amplifiers at the base of each vertical. Connect one wire from the Antenna terminal to the base of the
vertical. Connect another wire from the Ground terminal to the ground rod. See Hi-Z Amplifier.
11. Connect each RG6 coax from output of Hi-Z amp to the correct Ant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 at the PnP controller.
12. Weatherproofing the Hi-Z Amp. Place a cover over (or other such enclosure) the Hi-Z Amp to insure that rain or snow
does not fall on or get trapped with the enclosure. See our website under vertical for ideas on weatherproofing -
Hi-Z Amplifier Hi-Z 4-8PRO PnP Interface Top/ 4 El. Controller Bottom
The following Block Diagram is a visual aid for the wiring and cabling required to install the Hi-Z 4-
8PRO System.
Hi-Z 4-8PRO UP Manual V1.0
©2011 Hi-Z Antennas™