Hi-Z 4-8PRO as a new install
Field upgrade of existing Hi-Z 4 systems to Hi-Z 4-8PRO UP
Pushing the envelope of best performance in the smallest possible footprint (113 foot diameter)
Substantially reduced signal attenuation at direction overlap points
160, 80, 40 meters coverage
Hi-Z Amp design, no need for radials (we do not use passive elements)
Uses the same area of the Hi-Z 4 (80ft. sq.) footprint, just add 4 more elements
At the end of the manual there is a vertical payout diagram with dimensions.
Component List for the Hi-Z 4-8PRO System
1 – Hi-Z 4-8PRO PnP Controller
1 – Hi-Z 8 direction shack switch
4 – Hi-Z Amps
4 – 2 foot long RG6 cables
2 – 2 foot long wire with terminals (power to PnP controller)
Background Information & Design Philosophy
Trying to use a 4 element system for 8 directions creates too many compromises and limited performance typically in
the 4 directions at 45 degrees to the diagonals. This was not an option. The standard 4 element RX array system
has an inherent weakness at the 4 overlap points. For example, when clicking between NE and SE directions, trying
to listen to a signal from the East, this signal would typically be down by >4db as it is in the overlap region. The goal
was to have the directional RDF of the standard Hi-Z 4 (12.2RDF) in 8 directions with minimal attenuation at the
overlap. Another design goal was to make it upgradeable with existing Hi-Z 4 installs as simple as possible. Since
the Hi-Z 4 is typically installed in an 80 foot square pattern, this is a 113 foot diameter circle, was to add the 4
additional elements in-between the existing 4 elements. Thusly, maintaining the same radius for all elements.
Note: overlap point down by >4db
The directional lobe of the Hi-Z 4-8PRO is the same as the Hi-Z 4.
Hi-Z 4-8PRO UP Manual V1.0
©2011 Hi-Z Antennas™