The Hi-Velocity Systems Zoning Fan Coil
features a superior design with simple setup options.
Pre-wired multi-zone controls with adjustable power open and power closed actuators make it easy to
understand and set up our zoning system. The fan coil can also be used with any off-the-shelf 24v
HE-Z Zoning Package
is designed for continuous air circulation when the thermostat is satisfied,
allowing for increased filtration more even air temperatures and fresh-air make-up at all times. Hi-
Velocity Systems sets another high standard and energy efficiency in the residential & light
commercial Forced Air Zoning Industry.
Zoning Controls Features
Adjustable Zone Dampers -
Power Open and Power
Closed zone dampers are pre-wired and installed on
the fan coil.
Zone Capacity -
The main module controls three
zones using motorized dampers and may be
expanded to 4 or 5 zones.
Compatible Controls -
Controls single or two-stage
hydronic heating systems, with single or two stage air
Thermostats -
Compatible with off the shelf 24v
Heat/Cool Thermostats. Example (1heat/1cool) or
Automatic Heat/Cool Changeover -
changeover from any thermostat allowing for individual
zone comfort.
Status LED -
A green STATUS LED pulses as a
steady heart beat to indicate Micro- processor activity
and 24v power is present
System LEDs -
Function specific colored LED’s
illuminate to indicate the HVAC system mode of
operation and active zone identification.
Damper LEDs -
Green LEDs labelled Zone 1 thru
Zone 5 indicate which dampers are energized to the
open position.
See Page 3
for details.
Constant Fan Control -
Any zone can activate the
indoor fan and only the dampers in zones calling for
continuous fan operation will open. Continuous fan
operation will only occur when there are no active or
pending, heat or cool demands.
Internal Fuse
When the Internal
Fuse is tripped it will get quite hot. To reset the Fuse:
Shut off power to the fan coil and find and repair the
short. Restore the 24VAC power.
Page Breakdown
1. Introduction
2. Dip settings and Timer Breakdown
3. Zone LED Indications
4. Zone Control Breakdown
5. Zone Dampers and take-offs
6. Damper Actuator, Constant Fan
7. Zone Control Wiring
8. 120v Wiring
9. 220v Wiring
10. 120v and 240v Wiring Continuation
12615-124 STREET
PHONE: 1-(888) 652-2219
(2 - 4) ZONES
Pre-Release 052917