PowerVent 4200 EX
Division into device groups
The device groups are divided into the groups I and II, whereby group I is concerned
with "underground" mining and group II with gas and dust explosion protection in all
other applications.
Division into zones
Areas at risk from explosion are divided up into six zones, whereby the division
depends on the probability of how often and for how long we can expect that a
dangerous atmosphere where explosions can occur will happen (g.e.A. = dangerous
explosive atmosphere). A difference is made here, between combustible gases, mist,
vapour and combustible dust types.
Gases-mist-vapour result in zones 0, 1 and 2 whereby the requirements to the
operating materials increase from zones 2 to 0. Operating materials for Zone 0 must be
constructed in such a way "that sufficient explosion protection is guaranteed even if an
ignition protection type fails or when two errors occur.” Thus, a passive, potential free
sensor installed in Zone 0, for example, which is operated in an intrinsically safe
electricity circuit (II2(1)G [EEx ia] IIC) must have its own additional permit.
Dust types result in zones 20, 21 and 22, whereby the requirements to the operating
materials used there increase from 22 to 20. Operating materials for zones 20 and 21
must be specifically permitted for this use. The PV4200EX is not suitable for dust types
dangerous to explosions.
Explosion protection | Classification
Zone 0
Zone 0