CHUCK Bolting Data Processor
Operations Manual
CHUCK and all materials within copyright HEX TECHNOLOGY (2021)
During the initial setup, you need to:
Click on “Description,” then enter a short name for your Chuck. The name can be
anything you like, using any characters or capitalization you wish.
The “Server” field is pre-set with “Chuck.” If you had to enter the IP address in the
browser’s navigation bar when connecting, you’d use that instead.
The Serial No field needs to match the serial number that you will find on a sticker on
the CHUCK Brain. Click on the “0” and enter the serial number.
In the License Status box, click on “No key” to open that dialog.
You’ll have received your license key by email. Find that email on your laptop,
copy the license key, and paste it into the window. (You will need to copy
everything from “key/” to the two equals signs at the end.)
Click on the link for the End User License Agreement and read the terms.
If you are satisfied with the terms, click the “Submit” button.
That completes the initial connection and configuration.
Congratulations! You are now ready to begin training and testing with CHUCK.