Translation of the original user manual - 1.4 | 2021
If you click on this, a pop-up window will open with the following options:
Date, Time, Name, Notes and Source are already displayed by default. The options
Status, Message and Output can be added as desired.
Source shows how the installation is operated. This can be done via the App, by
telephone call or via the web account.
Message includes system information such as an access attempt that has been de-
Status will indicate whether an attempt to operate the installation was successful or
unsuccessful; a phone call shows no status.
Output shows which relay of the cloud unit has been actuated.
On the
Yearly Time Switch
tab you can define up to five different timing programs.
Each program has one or more tracks, which you can use to customize the sched-
ule. Each track begins and ends at midnight, so if you want to set up a schedule
that begins before and ends after midnight, you have to use two tracks, with one
ending at 12.00 midnight and the other starting at 00.00 the next morning. Each
day begins at 00.00 AM and ends at 12.00 midnight (24.00).