Shutting Down
The stove will normally shut down by itself as the fuel is consumed. In order to shut down the stove for other reasons, close the pri-
mary air controls (if open), then close the secondary air control. If the controls are left in this position, the fire will eventually burn
out. If you want to revive the fire open the secondary air controls fully.
Inspect the inside of the firebox and above the baffle plate every week during use. Only use manufacturers recommended replace-
ment parts on the appliance.
Chimney Sweeping
Sweeping should be carried out with the correct size brush and rods to suit the chimney size and type. As with all appliances regu-
sweeping of the flue is essential to avoid the danger of a blockage and escape of poisonous fumes. Access for cleaning should be
incorporated into the chimney (e.g. soot door, access through the register plate etc.)
Any existing chimney should be swept prior to installation of the stove, and then again a second time within one month of regular
use after installation to establish the frequency of sweeping required. This should be done by and competent person such as a
NACS chimney
engineer who will provide a Certificate of Chimney Sweeping. Sweep the whole flue way, including the outlet at least twice a year
per burning season. It is important that the flue ways, flue pipe and chimney be cleaned prior to lighting the fire after a prolonged
shut-down period.
User Instructions
Removing the Ash
The appliance will require ash to be removed periodically, ash
may be removed with a small metal shovel whilst the fire is still
by raking the embers of a low fire to one side of the firebox and
carefully removing the ash. Repeating the procedure for the
other side of the firebox. Care must be taken not to risk burning
your hands or household objects from falling embers. The ash
pan should be emptied at least twice a day or when the ash
reaches the top of the ash pan. On no account should the ash
be allowed to build up to touch the underside of the grate bars,
as this will greatly reduce the life span of the grate.
Replacing the Fire Rope around your stove door
Periodically visually check over the door rope seal for any
damage, cuts or tears and detached sections. The rope
gasketing can be replaced, using a universal roping kit.
Instructions for rope replacement are as follows:
• Ensure the appliance is cold
• Unscrew the hinges and lift the door off the appliance and lay
onto a flat surface with the rear face upwards
• Carefully remove the old rope gasket and old adhesive. Take
note of the layout of the rope seal. Ensure no traces of the old
adhesive or rust / flaky paint is present, as this will result in an
unsound joint
• Apply the rope adhesive following the instructions on the
• Press the rope gasketing into the channel on the rear door
casting, following the same layout as the old rope seal
• Just before the final end, cut the rope seal to length and glue
into position
• Allow at least 30 minutes before refitting the door to the
WARNING: The ash can be very hot. Empty only into a metal container, and do not stand the container on a combustible surface (wooden flooring,
carpet, rug etc.) either during the de-ashing procedure or afterwards as the ash will remain very hot for some time and will rapidly heat the con-
tainer if left to stand, possibly causing damage or even a fire. Even if the ash appears cold, red-hot pieces of ash may be concealed and could easily
start a fire or cause injury.
The stove will remain very hot for a considerable time after the fire has died down or been extinguished.
Petroleum coke fuels or household waste must not be burnt on this appliance.
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