Audio -
In order to use a headset with mic, the headset must
be installed prior to docking. If the headset is inserted after the
computer has been docked, the computer will not recognize the
headset mic, and the audio will revert to stereo.
To use the MacBook’s internal speakers, remove the audio cable
from the docking station.
Sleep/wake Issues -
To operate in a vertical docking station, a
MacBook must be connected to a power source, external display,
and external keyboard and/or mouse. Most sleep/wake issues are
caused by the MacBook not receiving power. These issues are easily
resolved by repositioning the MagSafe Adapter in the docking
station (see Quick Start Guide Steps 1-7).
If the MacBook still will not wake, troubleshooting continues by
isolating the computer and peripherals. Remove MagSafe Adapter
from the dock (and Thunderbolt cables, if installed) and unplug
all connections from the preinstalled cables. Setting aside the
dock and all Henge Docks cables, connect the peripherals directly
to the MacBook. With the MacBook still closed, attempt to wake
the computer again. If the computer wakes, one or more of the
connections was not seated properly in the dock. Perform the Port
Reinstall procedure detailed on the following page.
If the MacBook fails to wake, the issue is independent of the docking
station. Seek service help for your computer.
Docking Issues –
Only Henge Docks or Apple brand Thunderbolt
cables may be installed into the docking station. Installing third
party cables into the dock will cause port binding and may result in
damage to the MacBook. If the MacBook is not docking properly,
perform the Port Reinstall procedure detailed below.
Port Reinstall -
With screw cover
pulled back, loosen set screws and
remove all cables from the docking
station. While seated, place MacBook
into the empty dock, and fl ip them
over as one unit, holding it in your lap.
Reinstall each cable individually,
through the corresponding port voids
and into the MacBook. Slide the cables
into the cable organizer at the back
of the docking station. Carefully fl ip
the computer over, placing unit on a
fl at, stable surface. With all cables in
place, tighten the setscrews, realign
the screw cover, and secure the
cover anchor. Reconnect peripherals
to cables.
If still experiencing difficulties,
contact our customer support
team at