- Adding Transmitters
To add extra transmitters
Press the operating button for 5 seconds and release when the red LED indicator goes out. The LED will flash once to confirm Add
Mode.Take the new transmitter to be added and press the button once.The red LED indicator should flash once. Repeat this for every
new transmitter to be added to the system. After the last transmitter has been added either wait 30 seconds or press the operating
push button once to reset to normal operation.
The remote control system uses the latest “rolling code” technology. Hand transmitters supplied are pre-programmed.The receiver can
memorise the codes of 15 transmitters. Upgrade memory chips are available for 31 or 62 transmitters by special order.
- Deleting Transmitters
It is not possible to selectively delete transmitters and selecting delete mode will erase all transmitters from the system. Switch off the
power supply to the unit and remove the front cover.Turn on Dip switch 5 and re-power the unit.The circuit board mounted yellow
“set radio” LED will illuminate for 5 seconds, all transmitters are now deleted. Switch off the power supply , turn off Dip switch 5 and
re-fit the front cover.Transmitters can now be reloaded using the “Add Transmitters“ procedure.
- Dip Switch Settings
The RS1 control unit has five onboard Dip switches which control the following features.
10.1 Dip switch 1 warning. When switched on, the courtesy light will flash three times before the door moves.
10.2 Dip switch 2 Retract. When switched on, selects partial retract. If the photocell is activated the door retracts 200mm instead of
returning to the fully open position.
10.3 Dip switch 3 Security. When switched on, extends the motor supply feed for the duration of the motor run timer which assists
adjustment of screw type motor limit switches Dip switch 3 is normally turned off. Additionally for doors having an externally fitted
manual override system, switching on Dip switch 3 selects a security system. If the manual override system is used to force open the
door, the system will power down the door to the closed position.
Note- When using the security system it is important to accurately set the motor run timer. operate the door from the fully closed to
the fully open position and adjust the run timer so that the circuit board “open” LED goes out five seconds after the door arrives at the
fully open position. See Fig 9.
10.4 Dip switch 4 Auto- Close. This option is normally turned off. Turning on Dip switch 4 selects an automatic time delay self
closing function.The time delay begins when the door is fully open and is reset if the photoelectric safety beam is broken.The auto-close
delay is dependant upon door size and operating speed. Set the motor run timer as described in “security”, the corresponding auto close
delay is shown in Fig 9.
Note ; Selecting Auto-close increases the level of automation and to comply with relevant safety standards we recommend the installation
of additional safety devices ie, safety edge system or additional photoelectric sensor.
10.5 Dip switch 5 Decode
Used when removing lost or stolen transmitters from the receiver memory. [see 9 Deleting Transmitters.]
Figure 9 - Run Timer Settings