A325 GNSS Smart Antenna User Guide
PN 875-0318-000 Rev D2
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Table A-1: Troubleshooting (
Possible Solution
Check antenna cable integrity
Verify the antenna’s view of the sky, especially toward
SBAS satellites, south in the northern hemisphere
Verify the bit error rate (BER) and lock status of SBAS
satellites (this can often be done on the receiving
device or by using SLXMon - monitor BER value)
Verify the proper application is running on the
antenna (SBAS)
Set the satellite selection to automatic mode
Set the differential mode to $JDIFF,WAAS
Ensure there is SBAS coverage in your area
No GNSS position
Verify the antenna’s view of the sky, especially toward
GNSS satellites
Verify the proper application is running on the Eclipse
Set the satellite selection to automatic mode
No DGPS position in external
RTCM mode
Verify the baud rate of the RTCM input port
matches the baud rate of the external source
Verify the pinout between the RTCM source and the
RTCM input port (the “ground” pin and pinout must be
connected, and the “transmit” from the source must
connect to the “receiver” of the RTCM input port)
Non-DGPS output
If using RTK, ensure receiver is properly authorized
for RTK by sending a $JI command or a $JK command