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4 W D N A V
Hema HN7 User Manual
Getting to know OziExplorer
A typical OziExplorer EziOzi-3 screen is shown above
(in this case the Map View page).
It is possible that OziExplorer will display the GPS Status page prior to this
screen. It will display the GPS Status screen while it is waiting to acquire a GPS
Satellite fix.
Once OziExplorer has acquired a GPS fix on your position, it will show your
current position indicated by the central Arrow you see in the image above.
As you drive around, OziExplorer will move the map under the pointer
indicating your position. This is known as “moving map” display.
As you drive, OziExplorer will leave a blue line behind the pointer. This is the
Track Tail. The track tail shows you where you have been.
Information such as current speed, coordinates of current location, zoom level
and map title are displayed over the map.
The interface also has buttons which you can tap to perform various functions.
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20/11/14 2:36 PM