Ground-to-Air Heat Exchanger LEWT Kit
The undersoil collector duct is a coextruded compound duct made from poly
The sanded wall penetration is made from polypropylene. The wall penetration
profile sealing rings for connection to the slatted hood are made from an SBR
elastomer. The undersoil collector duct is a flexible, externally corrugated and
internally smooth compound duct, in a coil with 2 x 25 metres (advantages: Low
air resistance, low contamination tendency, good cleaning properties).
The undersoil collector duct is designed specifically for underground installation.
These instructions apply for underground installation, based on DIN EN 50086
24, part 24: “Particular requirements for conduit systems buried underground”.
Use of the Helios undersoil collector duct is permissible without static analyses
under the following conditions.
– Minimum cover of 1.20 m below traffic areas and for traffic loads SLW 60
according to DIN 1072;
– Maximum covering: 6.00 m. A deformation and stress analysis should be
carried out for higher coverings. Corresponding bedding conditions must be
– Type of bedding material/ filling material: Sand 0/4 mm;
– Bedding conditions: Embedding conditions B1 or B4 and covering conditions
A1 and A4 according to ATV A 127 section 6.2 and 5.2.
In case of deviation from the aforementioned conditions, a static analysis must be
carried out (e.g. ATV work sheet A 127 E, issue 1998).
ATTENTION: Pressing water must be prevented with appropriate construction
measures before installing the undersoil collector duct. It is also recommen-
ded that the connection points are sealed by the customer (e.g. cold shrink
tape) to prevent water penetration.
The support and embedding of the Helios undersoil collector duct is of the utmost
importance for permanent serviceability due to the coactive “underground duct”
system and the flexible duct construction. The support and embedding must
therefore be carried out carefully according to DIN EN 1610: 1997 (DIN 4033
successor standard) section 7 bedding type 1 with a lower bedding layer of at
least 10 cm or according to the static requirements.
The compression of the bedding material must be ensured with at least 95%
simple proctor density. In case of groundwater, it must be ensured that the filling
material cannot be displaced.
The ducts must be checked for transport damage before installation. The ducts
must be installed according to DIN EN 1610 section 8. The Helios undersoil col
lector duct is longitudinally elastic. A carefully, evenly compacted lower layer at
the planned gradient is crucial for a perfect result. The ducts on this level must be
carefully aligned in height and lateral position.
All the following provisions must be read carefully and observed in order to
ensure correct functioning and for safety purposes.
Please check delivery immediately on receipt for damage, accuracy and comple
teness. If damaged, please notify carrier immediately. ln case of delayed notifica
tion, any possible claim may be void.
The groundtoair heat exchanger
LEWT kit
(Ref. no. 2977) consists of the fol
lowing units:
Undersoil collector duct (coil with 25 running metres length)
incl. connecting sleeve (with profile sealing rings (4x) and end
caps (4x)), including sanded wall penetration (1x).
Ref. no. 2991
Automatic controller and duct form parts.
Ref. no. 2990
Outside air intake with slatted hood and cone filter
class G3.
Ref. no. 2992
When storing for a prolonged time the following steps are to be taken to avoid
damaging influences for the electrical and metal parts: Protection by dry, air dust
proof packing (plastic bags with drying agent and moisture indicators). The sto
rage place must be waterproof, vibrationfree and free of temperature variations.
Damages due to improper transportation, storage or commissioning are verifiable
and not covered by warranty.
The task of a groundtoair heat exchanger is to preheat or cool the outside
air in a ventilation system for a building. The outside air is sucked in through the
underground duct system. In this respect, the ground serves as a source of heat
or cold. Depending on the weather (outside air temperature), the intake outside
air can be heated or cooled.
Winter operation: Outside air temperature
5 °C
During the heating season and an outside air temperature below 5 °C, the air is
heated in the groundtoair heat exchanger. The existing geothermal heat is used
for preheating and thus saves heat energy.
Summer operation: Outside air temperature
20 °C
During the summer months, the outside air is cooled down by the groundtoair
heat exchanger due to the lower ground temperature, supplied to the building and
thus ensures a pleasant indoor climate.
Spring/autumn operation: Outside air temperature between 5 – 20 °C
During the transitional seasons, the outside temperature is subject to strong fluc
tuations (sun during the day – very cool at night). The ground temperature remains
constant (cool in spring – still warm in autumn). Therefore, the supply air should
not pass through the groundtoair heat exchanger at noon on a warm day in
spring (heating system still in operation). The air flowing in would be colder than
the solarheated air temperature, which is not desirable. However, in case of coo
ler night temperatures, heating by the groundtoair heat exchanger is reasonable.
The opposite applies on days in autumn. The optimal operation is automatically
controlled by the LEWTS+F kit (by means of bypass shutter, servo motor, dual
thermostat and control box).
LEWT-E+M Undersoil collector duct and wall penetration