STUDIO 1 12V v1 Jan 2020
Concealed Wiring Option Instructions
Ensure that the flush box that the towel warmer will be wired to can be reached by the flex from the mounting position of the towel
warmer. Allow for loss of flex length due to connections.
Drill a 12.5mm hole into the face of the stud where the towel warmer foot with the flex is to be positioned. Drill the hole approximately
25mm deep. (On masonry walls drill a 14mm hole.)
Identify the side of the stud facing the flush box that the towel warmer will be wired to. On that side of the stud, drill a 25mm deep hole
at right angles to this first hole so that the hole will break into the base of the first hole. Refer to Fig1.
Place a pull through line from the flush box and out the 12.5mm hole so that the line can be picked up later once the wall cladding is in
When the wall cladding is installed a hole will be required to provide access to the above 12.5 mm hole in the stud. Locate the pull
through and leave hanging out of the hole that has been created in the wall cladding. (
: care must be taken to ensure that the
hole created in the wall cladding is a lesser diameter than that of the towel warmer leg to ensure that the hole in the cladding will be
concealed by the towel warmer leg when it is fixed into position)
When installing the towel warmer, thread the pull through line, through the concealed mounting adaptor and screw the mounting
adaptor into position. The pull through line must now exit through the concealed wiring adaptor. (On masonry walls epoxy resin the
adaptor into position). (refer Fig 2)
For the second bottom leg of the towel warmer mark a point horizontally from the centre of the adaptor at the measurement for your
model (but check the actual measurements to your warmer as manufacturing tolerances apply) for the other bottom fixing barrel. It is
important that the line between these two points is level
Screw the other bottom mounting bracket into place with the screws provided.
If applicable, fit the trim to the Concealed mounting adaptor, attach the pull through to the flex and pull the flex through the stud holes to
the flush box.
Position the towel warmer on the bottom two mounting brackets / barrels and mark the position of the two top feet. (Use easy to remove
Mark the centre distance for the top mounting brackets / barrels (per above) & screw the mounting brackets / barrel to the wall.
If applicable, fit the trims on the 3 remaining mounting brackets.
Remount the towel warmer on the four mounting brackets / barrels. Secure the foot containing the flex with the screws provided, then
secure the three remaining feet with the screws provided.
Heirloom International Limited, P O Box 204 235, Auckland 2161, New Zealand.
Ph +64 9 274 4443 [email protected]
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At centre measurement for your model