180kg, 2 X 1.5 AAA
If the scale is with both measuring system of Metric (kg) and Imperial (pounds, stones),
you can convert weight unit as follow:
Condition 1: if the unti switch is inside battery case:
A: open battery case cover on the back of scale
B: Pull up and down the unit switch to convert scale unit between kg-lb-st.
Condition 2: if the unit switch is on the back of the scale:
A: Find unit switch on the back of scale
B: Pull up and down the unit switch to convert scale unit between kg-lb-st.
Condition 3: if the unit switch is on the back of the scale:
A: Find unit switch on the back of scale
B: Press the unit conversion button when scale is power on, LCD shows current weight
unit. Press the button again to convert weight unit.
Unit switch
Unit switch
Unit button