Feature 05 – Output Delay:
To prevent rapid switching, an
output delay can be entered. This can be set from 00-15
minutes. The default is 00 which means there is no delay.
Feature 06 – Communication Address:
This setting is used
when you have connected your thermostat to a network
system. Each thermostat on your network must have a unique
communication address. This can be set from 01-32.
Feature 07 – Temperature Up/Down Limit
: This function
allows you to limit the use of the up and down temperature
arrow keys. This limit is also applicable when the thermostat is
locked and so allows you to give others limited control over the
heating system.
Feature 08 – Sensor Selection
: This thermostat has a built in
air sensor. In mode 00 and 02 (as described on page 13), the
thermostat uses the built in air sensor and cannot be changed.
In modes 01 and 03 you have the option to select from the
following sensor options:
• 00 = Built in Air Sensor
• 01 = Remote Air Sensor
• 02 = Floor Sensor Only
• 03 = Floor Sensors & Built in Air Sensor
• 04 = Floor Sensor and Remote Air Sensor