moves too rapdily, turn the control counterclockw ise. Turn the OPERATION switch to RE
PETITIVE. The computer w ill now reset itself and repeat the solution at a rate controlled by
the REPETITION RATE control knob. This w ill continue until the OPERATION switch is returned
to the RESET position. If a permanent re co rd of the solution is desired, a pen r e co rd e r may
be connected to the AMPLIFIER OUTPUT binding posts above the meter.
Figure 25 A
Figure 25 B
Figure 25 C
As observed on oscillo sco p e . Body was given initial horizontal velocity.
As observed on o scillo sco p e (no initial horizontal velocity). The dashes
represent equal time intervals, showing the increased distance traveled
during each succeeding time interval.
As recorded on pen record er.
The solution may be viewed on a DC o s cillo sco p e , such as the Heath DC O scilloscop e, by con
necting the vertical input of the o scillo sco p e to the red AMPLIFIER OUTPUT binding post and
the ground to the black AMPLIFIER OUTPUT binding post. No sweep is needed to show the falling
body, but if one wants to show the path when an initial horizontal velocity is given the body, a
sweep voltage is necessary. To insure synchronization, one of the computer am plifiers should
be used as the sweep generator for the o scillo sco p e , as shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26
The ±100 volts is obtained from one of the IC power supplies, using + or -, depending on the
direction of sweep desired. Set the IC control until the desired rate of sweep is obtained. The
values of Rj and of Cf should be the same as those used in the problem .
If a faster rate of solution is desired, the 1 megohm re sisto rs should be replaced by 0.1 m eg
ohm re sisto rs and the 1 pfd capacitors by 0.1 pfd capacitors, adjusting the REPETITION RATE
control accordingly.
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