2-Way Motorized Valve with Feedback installation Manual
HT# 059301-00
WarrantiEs anD liMitatiOns OF liaBilitY anD DaMagE: Heat-timer corporation warrants that it will
replace, or at its option, repair any Heat-timer corporation manufactured product or part thereof which
is found to be defective in material workmanship within one year from the date of installation only if the
warranty registration has been properly filled out and returned within 30 days of the date of installation.
Damages to the product or part thereof due to misuse, abuse, improper installation by others or caused by
power failure, power surges, fire, flood or lightning are not covered by this warranty. any service, repairs,
modifications or alterations to the product not expressly authorized by Heat-timer corporation will invalidate
the warranty. Batteries are not included in this warranty. this warranty applies only to the original user and
is not assignable or transferable. Heat-timer corporation shall not be responsible for any maladjustments
of any control installed by Heat-timer corporation. it is the users responsibility to adjust the settings of the
control to provide the proper amount of heat or cooling required in the premises and for proper operation
of the heating or cooling system. Heat-timer corporation shall not be required to make any changes to any
building systems, including but not limited to the heating system, boilers or electrical power system, that is
required for proper operation of any controls or other equipment installed by Heat-timer corporation or any
contractor. third party products and services are not covered by this Heat-timer corporation warranty and
Heat-timer corporation makes no representations or warranties on behalf of such third parties. any warranty
on such products or services is from the supplier, manufacturer, or licensor of the product or service.
see separate terms and conditions of internet control Management system (“icMs”) services, including
warranties and limitations of liability and damages, for icMs services.
tHE FOrEgOing is in liEU OF all OtHEr WarrantiEs, EXprEss Or iMpliED anD HEat-tiMEr
cOrpOratiOn spEciFicallY DisclaiMs anY anD all WarrantiEs OF MErcHantaBilitY FOr
a particUlar pUrpOsE. UnDEr nO circUMstancEs sHall HEat-tiMEr cOrpOratiOn, its
aUtHOriZED rEprEsEntatiVEs, aFFiliatED Or sUBsiDiarY cOMpaniEs BE liaBlE FOr spEcial,
cOnsEQUEntial Or inciDEntal DaMagEs, EXcEpt as spEciFicallY statED in tHEsE tErMs
anD cOnDitiOns OF salE. tHE sOlE rEMEDY WitH rEspEct tO anY prODUct Or part sOlD Or
installED BY HEat-tiMEr cOrpOratiOn sHall BE liMitED tO tHE rigHt tO rEplacEMEnt Or
rEpair F.O.B. FairFiElD, nJ. HEat-tiMEr cOrpOratiOn sHall nOt BE liaBlE Or rEspOnsiBlE
FOr lOss Or DaMagE OF anY KinD rEsUlting FrOM DElaY Or inaBilitY tO DEliVEr FOr anY
rEasOn, inclUDing BUt nOt liMitED tO FirE, FlOOD, ligHtning, pOWEr FailUrE Or sUrgEs,
UnaVailaBilitY OF parts, striKEs Or laBOr DispUtEs, acciDEnts anD acts OF ciVil Or MilitarY