Hearth & Home Technologies • B41L-AU Installation Manual • 2570-980 Rev. C • 7/20
Removing Fixed Glass Assembly
1. Remove the decorative front.
2. The glass assembly has two upper spring latches
and two lower spring latches. See Figure 11.11. Lo
cate the two spring latches that are on the upper left
and right of the fireplace.
3. Pull upper spring latch on one side forward to release
glass assembly while supporting glass assembly with
opposite hand. Repeat for the other upper spring
latch always taking care to support the glass assem
bly with one hand.
4. Grasp glass on the upper right and left sides and
remove glass assembly by lifting “up” and “out”.
Observe the presence of a space or gap between
the glass latch and the front of the appliance where the
bottom of the glass assembly is positioned. This gap is
designed for positive placement when replacing the glass
assembly. See Figure 11.11.
Replacing Fixed Glass Assembly
The bottom glass latches have been designed to create
a small gap between the glass clip and the face of the
appliance. See Figure 11.11.
1. Install the bottom of the glass assembly so that the
two tabs on the bottom of the glass latch engage the
gap. By tilting the top of the glass towards the face of
the appliance, tension will be applied to the bottom
two glass latches. Use one hand to support the glass
at all times.
2. Fasten the two upper glass latches, one at a time, by
pulling out and downward into position on the glass
assembly. Use one hand to support the glass at all
3. Verify that the top two glass latches are engaged by vi
sually verifying that glass latches have engaged both
left and right tabs on the glass frame.
4. Verify the bottom two glass latches have engaged the
glass frame tabs by grasping the bottom of the glass
frame assembly and pulling the glass frame assembly
“away” from the face of the appliance and “release”
the glass frame. The spring action of the clips will
“pull” the glass frame assembly towards the face of
the appliance if bottom clips are properly engaged. If
the glass frame assembly does not pull back towards
the face of the appliance, repeat steps 1-4.
E. Fixed Glass Assembly Removal and Re-
Risk of Asphyxiation!
Handle fixed glass
assembly with care. Inspect the gasket to ensure it is
undamaged and inspect the glass for cracks, chips or
strike, slam or scratch glass.
operate fireplace with glass removed, cracked,
broken or scratched.
Replace as a complete assembly.
Figure 11.11 Fixed Glass Assembly
WARNING! Risk of Explosion!
Risk of Asphyxiation!
Glass latches MUST be properly engaged. Inspect glass
seal before installing decorative front. Gas could leak!
5. Reinstall decorative barrier front.