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An ECG monitor is able to measure the electrical impulse as it passes across and
through the heart, causing the heart to beat. An ECG does not measure the movement
of your heartbeat, but rather the electrical activity that causes the heart to beat. The
measurements recorded by an ECG monitor, when combined with a medical
examination, can help your doctor monitor your heart condition. The ECG
measurements recorded by the device are NOT designed or intended for medical
diagnosis. Conditions such as arrhythmia and ischemia can only be diagnosed by a
doctor through a special examination.
About the ECG Waveform
The ECG waveform shows the rhythm of your heartbeat during the 30-second
measurement and displays the electrical activity causing the heart to beat. The
waveform for each heartbeat shows the progress of the electrical impulse across and
through the heart.
The first peak indicates the spread of the impulse over the atria and the beginning of
their contraction. This is known as the P wave. The second peak indicates the spread of
impulse over the ventricles and the beginning of their contraction. This is known as the
QRS complex. The third peak indicates the activity as the heart relaxes (re-polarization),
and is known as the T wave.
Ventricular contraction
(QRS complex)
Re-polarization (T wave)
Atrial contraction (P wave)