Hea h A I c.
1-Year Limited Warranty
Heal h Air Inc. onl makes his 1-Year Limi ed Warran ("Limi ed Warran ") o he
original re ail p rchaser ho s bmi s he enclosed Warran Regis ra ion Card i hin
10 da s of p rchase b email o Sales@Heal h Air.com.
This Limi ed Warran applies onl o he repair or replacemen of an man fac red
or s pplied par of his prod c
hich, pon inspec ion b Heal h Air Inc. a hori ed
personnel, pro es o ha e failed in normal se d e o defec s in ma erial or
The sole responsibili of Heal h Air Inc. nder his Limi ed Warran is, in i s sole
discre ion, o ei her repair or replace a d l regis ered prod c (or defec i e par
hereof) i h he same or a comparable model i hin a reasonable period of ime,
s bjec o he follo ing e cl sions, limi a ions, s a or righ s and arran claim
proced res.
This Limi ed Warran is e cl si e, and Heal h Air Inc. e pressl disclaims all o her
or addi ional arran ies, he her ri en or oral, e pressed or implied, incl ding, b
no limi ed o, arran ies of merchan abili , orkmanship, or fi ness for a par ic la e
p rpose.
Re ain proof of p rchase and he original bo and packing ma erials.
Exclusions to the Warranty
This Limi ed Warran does no appl , or is oid, as o an prod c or par damaged
b (1) acciden , mis se, ab se, or lack of reasonable care or normal main enance;
(2) ins alla ion or opera ion nder condi ions o her han hose recommended b
Heal h Air Inc.; (3) s bjec ing he prod c o an b
he specified ol age; (4)
ser icing or disassembl b
na hori ed personnel; (5) remo ing or defacing he
serial n mber; or (6) modif ing he original fac or -assembled ni in an
a .
This Limi ed Warran does no appl o shipping charges for prod c shipped o or
from he man fac rer or designa ed dis rib or in connec ion i h arran claims
nor does i appl o an damages ha occ r d ring s ch shipmen .
This Limi ed Warran does no appl o ins alla ion, remo al, reins alla ion, and/or
rela ed e penses. This Limi ed Warran does no appl o replacemen fil ers.