X. Basic Service and Troubleshooting
10.6 Fan Speed Cycle Error
If he ni does no properl c cle hro gh all hree (3) fan speed se ings, or
he ni sh s off hen c cling hro gh he fan speed se ings, he iss e ma
be he res l of one of he follo ing ca ses.
Con ac he man fac rer for he Con rol Panel rese ins r c ions. If ha does
no resol e he iss e, he ni
ill req ire ser ice b he man fac rer or a
professionall licensed elec rician.
Possible Cause
Con rol Panel program error
Con rol Panel rese proced re
Displa Board malf nc ion
Replace Displa Board
10.7 Remote Control is Inoperable
If he Remo e Con rol fails o opera e he ni , he iss e ma be he res l of
one of he follo ing ca ses and ma req ire replacemen par s or ser ice b
he man fac rer or a professionall licensed elec rician.
Possible Cause
Ba er nearl e ha s ed
Replace ba eries
Remo e Con rol fa l
Replace Remo e Con rol
Displa Board fa l
Replace Displa Board