1. When the Radio Channel is tuned to the Blue background screen is
displayed with the Program Banner . The program banner contains the
following information:
a. Date-MM/DD/YY Format.
b. Current Time = 16:11.
c. Channel Number = 924.
d. Channel Name = Radio 4 Digital.
e. US TV Rating or MPAA Rating = NR.
f. Sub Rating = D.
g. Received Signal Strength Indicator ? shown as vertical bars with
numeric value = 155.
h. Current Event Name = The Archers.
i. Current Event Start Time = 15:50.
j. Current Event Finish Time = 16:50.
k. Next Event Name = Play For Today.
l. Next Event Start Time = 16:50.
m. Next Event Finish Time = 17.50.
2. When the Program Banner disappears then the Blue background screen
will display the following:
a. Song Title.
b. Artists Name.
c. Record Label.
d. Album Title.
6.1.3 Planned Events
To view which Events the user has “booked” to view the user follows the
menu structure,
Home-What’s On-Planned Events.
When the user presses “OK” on the Remote
Control Unit while Planned Events is
highlighted the user is presented with a list
of booked events in the Planner screen.
The Planner screen shows all of the events
that have been booked for viewing.
1. The Planner screen shows the:
a. Channel Name.
b. Day when the event is to be broadcast.
c. The Start Time.
d. Reminder Notification.
e. The Sub category Rating.
2. The user can delete a booked event from the planner by highlighting the
event and pressing the red button on the Remote Control Unit.