Turning Your Light On and Off
Click or press the button once to turn your light on. It stays on (latches on) until you
turn it off. Click the button again to turn your light off. You can use the Options Menu
to enable the Simple Momentary option, which will allow a press to turn your light on
in a momentary fashion - i.e., when you release the button your light will turn off.
While this option is disabled, both a click and a press will latch your light on.
When you turn your light on, it turns on to the forced setting. You can use the Options
Menu to change the Force Setting option to a different setting. You can use the Options
Menu to disable the Force Setting option, in which case your light will turn on to the
setting you were using when you turned your light off. You can use the Brightness
Menu to adjust each of the four (4) brightness settings to any brightness level.
When your light is on, you can toggle between the Primary and Secondary settings by
double-clicking the button. If the brightness was on the Minimum or Maximum setting,
the light is return to the last Primary or Secondary setting used. Your light will
momentarily turn off between the clicks but this is normal. You can use the Brightness
Menu to adjust the Primary and Secondary settings to any brightness level.
When your light is on, you can momentarily set your light to the Maximum setting by
pressing the button. Releasing the button returns your light to the previous setting.
You can latch your light to the Maximum setting by double-click-pressing the button.
Your light will momentarily turn off between the clicks but this is normal. You can
return to the previous Primary or Secondary setting by double-clicking the button.
Your light will momentarily turn off between the clicks but this is normal. You can use
the Brightness Menu to adjust the Maximum setting to any brightness level.
When your light is on, you can set your light to the Minimum setting by triple-clicking
the button. Your light will momentarily turn off between the clicks but this is normal.
You can return to the previous Primary or Secondary setting by double-clicking the
button. Your light will momentarily turn off between the clicks but this is normal. You
can use the Brightness Menu to adjust the Minimum setting to any brightness level. A
very low brightness level will help preserve night vision adaptation without using a red
Brightness Menu
The Brightness Menu is used to set the brightness level of the four (4) settings. These
settings are called Minimum, Maximum, Primary and Secondary. Any brightness level