Houston Digital Instruments, Inc. ● 7240 BRITTMOORE RD ● Houston, TX 77092 Ph 713-688-8555 Fx 713-688-2228
Revision: 3
- 4 -
General Information
General Information:
This manual describes the installation, operation, maintenance and calibration of the HDI
2021 Transducer Assembly. This manual will provide the user with information necessary to
properly utilize the instrument. Included in this manual are all the necessary procedures to
install and maintain this instrument properly.
Unpacking and Inspection:
Upon receipt account for all pieces on the packing list. If any items are missing, immediately
inform the freight forwarder. Inspect all items for damage. If any items are damaged,
immediately inform the freight forwarder and Houston Digital Instruments, Inc.
Precautionary Information:
Assure all directions on the packages are followed during unpacking and handling. Extra care
should be taken to assure that the pressure sensor, which is mounted in the transducer housing
supplied with the system, is protected from contact with any hard or sharp objects, i.e.
screwdriver, fingernail, etc., during the installation of the sensor. Any evidence of
mishandling or abuse shall
the warranty. (See Section VI Warranty for detailed
coverage) Also avoid any extreme tightening efforts, with a hammer, at installation.
Personnel Qualifications:
This equipment requires experienced personnel to handle, install and maintain. HDI may
provide technical schooling if required at their Houston facility or on-site.
Systems Description:
Systems Description:
The transducer (sensor) is an embedded strain gauge housed in a stainless steel case. The
strain gauge is commonly housed in either a 1502 hammer union or a flange. Any style
housing may be specified by the customer.
Systems Components:
Pressure Transducer:
2” 1502, 2” 2202, 1” NPT transducer housing or
possible Flanged housings: