HD Rehab AB
, Tryffelslingan 4, 181 57 Lidingö, Sweden
tel. +46(0)8-767 04 80 [email protected] www.hdrehab.se
Thoracic support, Swing
Art. nr. 39305 / 39306 / 39317 / 39318
Doc. nr. 96807-1 Rev A 2020-10-15
User manual /
Assembly instructions
Page 1 (2)
Intended use
Thoracic support with Swing-away is intended to be used with a thoracic support mount from HD Rehab.
See the assembly instructions
Thoracic support mount
, document number 96808-1.
Parts included
Insert the thoracic support in the thoracic support mount. When the support is at the desired position
tighten the knob firmly.
Fine adjustment of the vertical position is done by loosening the nuts (a) and sliding the mount up or
down in the slots.
1 x thoracic support, Swing (adjustable LH model shown)