I3563-1.0 en
Cable connection via the PG gland
The connection between AED9101D and other devices
can only be made via a connecting cable with a shield
grounded on both sides and metal connectors (or a
metalized connector housing). Bring the screen extens-
ively into contact on both sides at the PG gland and at
the connector housing. If the device cannot be connected
by a metal connector, you must lay the cable shield
extensively to ground and housing ground, using a shiel-
ded terminal, for example. Also see
With longer cables (over 30m, only possible with RS‐422
and RS‐485), there is a risk that the individual bus nodes
will have different ground potentials. In this case, a sep
arate cable can be used to establish potential equaliza
tion between the bus nodes.
A flexible cable with a conductor cross-section of at least
is the best choice for potential equalization.