Model 7501BLH/7501BL240H
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The 7501BLH/7501BL240H can be connected to power year-round. The non-adjustable
thermostat will shut off heat cable when air temperature rises to 82°-72°F (28°-22°C). Heat
cycle will repeat when air temperature drops to between 62°-72°F (16°-22°C). Periodic check
of water temperature of eyewash will confirm normal operating temperatures between 62°-95°F
Heat trace cable used on this blanket heats slowly and may take several hours to warm cold
water into ANSI recommend temperature range of 60°F (15°C) to 100°F (38°C).
Heat trace does not turn on.
1. a. No power to unit. Check GFCI and circuit
b. If ambient temperature is high and
doesn’t allow the blanket temperature to
drop below 67°F (19°C) the heater may
not switch on. Heater settings are: Non-
adjustable thermostat preset to switch on
at 67°± 5°F (17°± 3°C) and switch off
77°± 5°F (25°± 3°C). Test the thermostat
and heater function by applying ice
thermostat for approximately 3-5
minutes. The heat trace cable should
become warm to the touch when
operating properly. Thermostat is located
on junction box.
Eyewash water is above 100°F
1. a. Ambient air temperature is above 100°F
(38°C). Relocate eyewash out of direct
sunlight or excess ambient temperature.
b. Shut off electric power. All electric
connections are made inside the junction
box. Thermostat is mounted on the side
of junction box. Disconnect thermostat
leads from terminal block and wire nut in
junction box. Check thermostat
continuity: open circuit above 82°F
(28°C), closed below 62°F (16°C).
Thermostat is not adjustable and should
be replaced if either of the continuity
checks are incorrect. If unit is subject to
freezing temperatures, temporarily
disconnect thermostat and reconnect
wiring to bypass thermostat and protect
eye wash from freezing until replacement
thermostat can be installed.
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