Delete Selected
Click this button to delete all selected MAC
Delete All
Delete all MAC address entries.
Uncheck all selected MAC address entries.
Enable Wireless
Access Control
Check this box to enable MAC address restriction,
if unchecked, no restriction will be enforced (any
wireless client with proper encryption setting will
be able to connect to this wireless access point).
MAC address
Input MAC address allowed using this wireless
access point here. You don’t have to add colon (:)
or hyphen (-) by yourself, just input 0 to 9 and a to
f here, like 112233445566 or aabbccddeeff.
You can input any text here as the comment of this
MAC address, like ‘ROOM 2A Computer’ or
anything. You can input up to 16 alphanumerical
characters here. This is optional and you can leave
it blank, however, it’s recommended to use this
field to write a comment for every MAC address as
a memory aid. This is optional.
When you finish inputting MAC address and
(optional) Comment, click this button to add the
MAC address to the list.
Remove all characters in ‘MAC address’ and
‘Comments’ field.
After you finish with setting, please click ‘Apply’, and the following
message will be displayed:
When you see this message, the settings you made are successfully saved.
You can click ‘Continue’ button to go back to previous page and continue
on other setting items, or click ‘Apply’ button to restart the wireless
access point and the changes will take effect after about 30 seconds.