Mac OS X Installation
If you happen to have a Windows OS computer on your network,
please use that to set up your print server with the provided Windows
compatible software. Give your print server a recognizable IP
address that corresponds to your network. For this example, we will
which is the default IP address for the Hawking
print server line.
Mac Only Environment
If you are installing your print server in a “Mac only” environment
and you have not previously configured the print server, please
make sure you press down the “reset button” for 10 seconds
continuously to reset the print server to the factory default settings
with an IP address of
Plug the print server via an Ethernet cable directly to your Mac OS
X+ computer. Change your computer’s network IP settings
temporarily to
Mac or Mac + PC Environment
1) Open the "Applications:Utilities:Print Center" on your Mac
2) Click 'Add' (to add a new printer)