Dark bread and milk suit well with smoked fish
and mashed potatoes.
Salad: Lettuce, honey melon and fresh cucumber.
Broiled fish
Pile up the firewood into the combustion cham-
ber and light the fire
Wait until the wood becomes charred
Line up the fishes to the gridiron
Broil the fishes
The fishes shall not be cleaned, only rinsed with
could water. Salt the fishes with fine salt before
broiling them.
The fishes shall be broiled on the hot coals from both
sides and the broiling time is about 5–10 minutes.
The fish is ready, when it’s liquids come through the
skin or when the dorsal fin gets easily loose.
Steamed fish
Pile up the firewood into the combustion cham-
ber and light the fire
Wait until the wood becomes charred
Lay the “wrapped” fish onto the coals
Wait until the fish is ready
The steamed fishes shall be cleaned but do not
remove the scales.
Salt the fish with fine salt. The seasoned fish shall
be wrapped tight with greaseproof paper, and then
it shall be wrapped tight with moistened newspa-
per. The greaseproof paper must be dry, so that the
scales of the fish stick on the paper and the flesh
“appears” out. Cut the extra paper away, so that
it’s easy to serve the fish.
Steaming time is 30 minutes, maybe more if the
fish is very large.
Steamed pike perch and boiled potatoes (5
2 pcs of about 500 g pike perches
1 lemon
fine salt
50 g butter
dill, parsley, chives
10 medium-sized potatoes
Follow the instruction “Steamed fish”.
Open the ready made steamed fishes on the serv-
ing trey, remove the bigger fish bones. Serve with
boiled potatoes and sauce.
Salad: American lettuce, dill, cucumber, chives.
The fish is ready, when the flesh easily gets loose
from the bones or when the dorsal fin gets loose.
The outside temperature and the moisture of the
wood have great influence to the cooking time.
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