Date printed: 24.01.12
D21m System
For example, a presenter might wish to hear a mix of a console monitor selec-
tor and an external talkback system, or a simple mono sum of a stereo signal
is required to feed a special output. DIP switches set the quantity of inputs
and outputs the card consumes or feeds from/to the D21m backplane. This
is useful if a small number of mixes is required and only few spare D21m
channels are available.
Changing these DIP switches will require the D21m frame
key to be activated. The mapping of the ports will change, possibly requiring
changes to the desk configuration.
This card also takes GP outputs from the desk to make the relevant changes
to the control of the mix, as shown on the block diagram. The front panel
LEDs show the state of these GP outputs.
The DIP switches configure the card as follows:
DIP Switch 1
OFF 1 kHz tone
DIP Switch 2
ON Outputs 9-12 (and 25-28 if selected): attenuated by 3 dB
OFF Outputs 9-12 (and 25-28 if selected): 0 dB gain
DIP Switches 3-5
Spare, not used
DIP Switch 6
ON Ignore GPI 1-16
OFF Read GPI 1-16
DIP Switches 7&8
8 Option
OFF OFF 8 inputs and outputs
ON OFF 16 inputs and outputs
OFF ON 24 inputs and outputs
ON ON 32 inputs and outputs