RUSH™ MH10 Beam FX User Manual
3. Use the DOWN and UP buttons to change the sensitivity level from 0
4. When the fixture responds correctly to the beat, press ENTER to save
your selection.
Pan/tilt inversion
The PAN INVERSE and TILT INVERSE menus can be used to reverse the
direction of pan and tilt. These settings are useful for symmetrical effects with
multiple fixtures, or when coordinating the movement of fixtures that are floor
mounted and rigged upside down.
To adjust the pan inversion settings:
1. Select PAN INVERSE and press ENTER to confirm. The currently set
mode will blink in the display.
2. Use the DOWN and UP buttons to select YES (tilt inversion) or NO
(normal) mode.
3. Press ENTER to save your selection.
To adjust the tilt inversion settings:
1. Select TILT INVERSE and press ENTER to confirm. The currently set
mode will blink in the display.
2. Use the DOWN and UP buttons to select YES (tilt inversion) or NO
(normal) mode.
3. Press ENTER to save your selection.
Dimmer settings
Dimming curve
Four dimming curves are available to modify dimmer response. The default is
MODE 2. The settings affect response as follows:
LINEAR: the increase in light intensity appears to be linear as
DMX value is increased.
SQUARE LAW: light intensity control is finer at low levels and
coarser at high levels.
INVERSE SQUARE LAW: light intensity control is coarser at low
levels and finer at high levels.
S-CURVE: light intensity control is finer at low levels and high
levels and coarser at medium levels.