Installing the HPX-1600
HPX-1600 Retractable Connection Port
Install the router guide bushing into the base of a suitable router.
The router should be equipped with a ½ inch (12.2mm) collet and a baseplate capable of accepting a standard 1 3/16 inch
(30.2mm) guide bushing.
Install the router bit into the router with an appropriate portion of the bit exposed below the guide bushing.
Switch the router on and carefully lower (plunge) the router bit into the mounting surface within the template opening.
Move the router against the template opening such that the guide bushing follows along the template opening.
Carefully follow the template opening with the guide bushing in a clockwise fashion such that the cutting action of the router
bit is acting against the motion of the router.
Make several passes with the router, guide bushing and router bit.
Lower the router bit in small increments to remove a suitable amount of material on each pass.
Trying to cut too deep in any one pass may result in damage to the mounting surface.
Take care to ensure that the top surface of the mounting surface is not damaged beyond the width of the trim bezel as the
cutout is made.
Make sure the bit or cutting tool used is appropriate for the material to be cut and will not tear or chip the top surface.
AMX does NOT recommend using a Jigsaw to make the final cutout.
Note that the process of making the cutout will create substantial dust and prepare the environment appropriately.
10. Finally, remove template by pulling firmly on the rounded edges of the double-sided tape mounting strips until they release
from the tabletop and template.
Step 3 - Prepare the Terminations
Some modules that are included in the final system require some type of backside termination. Refer to the installation guide for
each module to determine the required backside termination.
The backside termination for each module can and should be completed before the module is installed into HPX Base assembly.
FIG. 6 provides two example illustrations of module backside termination.
FIG. 6
Terminating Connections of 1 or 2 HPX Modules
Terminating Connections -
Terminating Connections -
2 Modules
1 Module