PP38+ Pellet Stove
The P38+ features two operating modes;
stove temperature
room temperature Mode
. In Stove Temperature
Mode, you select a burn rate and the stove will remain at the
same burn rate regardless of the room temperature.
In the Room Temperature Mode, with the optional room sensor
attached, the stove constantly monitors the temperature in the
room and adjusts the size of the fire and the heat output of
the stove so that the room is kept at a constant temperature.
room temperature Mode
Most consumers use the stove in the Room Temperature
Mode because it is the easiest and most efficient method
of keeping the room at a given temperature. In the Room
Temperature Mode, the Room Sensing Probe constantly
monitors room temperature. As the weather changes outside
and your home needs varying amounts of heat to be at a
desired temperature, the stove will automatically increase
fire size and heat output so that a constant even temperature
is maintained. If the weather warms up and no heat is
required, the stove will gradually slow down and hold at the
minimum burn rate. When the house cools down, the stove
will automatically bring the room temperature to the precise
temperature you desire.
In the Room Temperature Mode, the distribution blower speed
can be increased or decreased by adjusting the Room Temp/
Off/Stove Temp dial between L and H. As output of the stove
increases, the speed of the blower will increase automatically
to insure that more heat is transferred into the room.
room temperature Mode:
This setting, see above,
will produce a room temperature of 70 degrees with the
distribution blower at medium speed.
room temperature Mode
do not use cheMicals or Fluids to start
the Fire. For eXaMPle: never use gasoline,
gasoline-tYPe lantern Fuel, kerosene,
charcoal lighter Fluid, or siMilar liQuids to
start or "Freshen uP" a Fire in this heater.
keeP all such liQuids well awaY FroM the
heater while it is in use.
do not connect to anY air distribution
duct or sYsteM.
do not burn garbage or FlaMMable Fluids
such as gasoline, naPtha, or engine oil.
hot while in oPeration. keeP children,
clothing, and Furniture awaY. contact MaY
cause skin burns.
keeP FireboX and ash reMoval doors
closed during oPeration. Maintain seals in
good condition.