Reflex furler
Amount to pull through thimble - Estimated stretch length at load
Full hoist (FH) length
Unit 1
Unit 2
14 to 16 m (45 to 53')
200 mm
16 to 18 m (53 to 59')
240 mm
9 1/2"
300 mm
18 to 20 m (59 to 66')
280 mm
350 mm
20 to 23 m (66 to 75')
320 mm
400 mm
23 to 25 m (75 to 82')
450 mm
4. Finding stretch length:
Refer to the
chart at right and use tape to mark the
cable the distance shown. The mark will
be located at the point where the cable
enters the thimble. It represents the
amount of stretch when the torsion rope
is tensioned when hoisted.
IMPORTANT! Slide the shrink wrap onto
the cable before slipping cable into
5. Setting the length -
Slip the cable into
the thimble and pull it through until the
mark from step 4 is at the point where
the cable enters the thimble.
3. Cutting the cable:
Lower the cable to
the dock. Clamp the cable to the dock and
cut the cable using a hacksaw.
Cutting the cable at the mark may
seem too short; however, when the hal-
yard tensions, the cable will stretch from
200 to 400 mm (8 -16"), depending on
the unit size and the cable length.
Tip: If you prefer, cut the cable so it is
a few inches longer and use a Dremel-
type small circular saw to cut it after
assembly and applying halyard loads.
Stretch length at load
New position at thimble top
Stretch length
at load
Shrink tubing
Full hoist (w)
Original cut from step 3
Cutting Cable - Adjjusting Length and Assembly at Boat