fence energizer without supervision. Do not allow young
children to play with this energizer or near an electric fence
or electrified wire.
Do not electrify barbed wire.
Do not support off-set electrified wires less than 6” (15 cm)
from a barbed wire fence.
Do not electrify any fence construction which could lead
to entanglement of persons or animals. We recommend
that more than one electrified off-set wire be supported on
either side of a barbed wire or mesh fence.
Do not supply an electric fence from two energizers.
Do not allow electrified wires from two energizers on the
same or adjacent properties to be less than 6’6” (2 m) apart.
Do not place energizer ground electrodes within 33’ (10 m)
of any part of a power supply ground system or
telecommunications ground system.
Do not run electric fence wires above or close to
overhead power or communication lines.
Duty to the public
Fasten warning signs to electric fence posts or wires at
frequent intervals along any public road or pathways.
Incorporate a non-electrified gate or stile where an electric
animal fence crosses a public pathway and fasten warning
signs to fence posts or wires adjacent to the crossing.
Requirements for electric animal fences