Return: None
(2) FUNCtion:impa ?
Description: Query the main parameter type
Parameter: None
Return: <l-auto|c-auto|z-auto|r|l|c>
(3) FUNCtion:impb <X|Q|D|THETA|ESR>
Description: Select a secondary parameter type
Parameter: <X|Q|D|THETA|ESR>
Return: None
(4) FUNCtion:impb ?
Description: Query a secondary parameter type
Parameter: None
Return: <rec|q-auto|d-auto|theta-auto|x|q|d|theta|esr>
(5) FUNCtion:RANGe <AUTO|10|100|1000|10000|100000>
Or FUNCtion:RANGe <AUTO|10ohm|100ohm|1kohm|10kohm|100kohm>
Description: Select the range
Parameter: <AUTO|10|100|1000|10000|100000>
Or <AUTO|10ohm|100ohm|1kohm|10kohm|100kohm>
Return: None
(6) FUNCtion: RANGe ?
Description: Query the range
Parameter: None
Return: <auto|10|100|1000|10000|100000>
(7) FUNCtion:LEVel <300|600>
Or FUNCtion: LEVel <300mv|600mv>
Description: Select the level
Parameter: <300|600> or <300mv|600mv>
Return: None
(8) FUNCtion: LEVel ?
Description: Query the level
Parameter: None
Return: <300|600>
(9) FUNCtion:EQUivalent <SER|PAL>
Description: Select the equivalent mode
Parameter: <SER|PAL> or <SERIES| PARALLEL>
Return: None
(10) FUNCtion: EQUivalent ?
Description: Query the equivalent mode
Parameter: None
Return: <ser|pal>