GAS Alert System
Provides local display and alarm based on
measured target gas level
Visual alarm, Amber LED light
Audible alarm (mutable)
Power indicator, Green
Numeric PPM reading
Bright LED display
Shipped factory calibrated and tested
Opera;ng Temperature Range: -10ºF (-23ºC) to
125ºF (50ºC)
Humidity Range (Non-condensing): 0-95%
Voltage Requirements: 24V AC/DC, 50/60 Hz
Display: LED, Red
Loop Resistance: 100 ohms
Power Requirements at 24V AC, 50/60Hz with
sensor: 11.4VA
Power Requirements at 24V DC with sensor: 247mA
Audible Alarm Sound Pressure: 97dB at 2 feet
Tone Type: Con;nuous, 2900 Hz
Muted Sound Pressure: 60dB at 2 feet
Visual Alarm, LED Lamp: Amber, 38 lumens
Enclosure: Water;ght, NEMA4X (IP65)
Pollu;on Degree: 4
True Al;tude: 2000M
Installa;on Category: 1
Duty Cycle: 100%
Equipment Class: 3
The GAS Alert System is shipped factory calibrated
and tested; ready to use. Mount in a loca;on safe
and easily accessible. Avoid thermal extremes and
areas where falling water or condensa;on moisture
is present.
The GAS Alert System can be mounted to any solid
flat surface. See installa;on dimensions on page 17.
Two op;ons are available for moun;ng; screw the
base to a solid flat surface or clip-on to a DIN-rail.
The lower cover must be removed to access the two
moun;ng holes for screw moun;ng. Abach to the
wall with the appropriate moun;ng screws. Replace
the cover when complete.
The GAS Alert System can be used as a standalone,
locally monitored system or as part of a larger gas
monitoring and signaling system. The lower cover to
the terminal compartment must be removed to gain
access for wiring. Knockouts are available for ¼˝ and
½˝ conduit or liquid ;ght cable clamps. To use as a
standalone system one gas sensor is required. The
gas sensor is powered via the GAS Alert System. The
gas sensor 4-20mA signal is fed back to the GAS Alert
System to allow for a numeric readout of the actual
PPM value measured. The gas sensor internal relay is
wired to the GAS Alert System to trigger the signaling
lamp and sounder. The GAS Alert System signal lamp
and sounder will clear when the gas level as
detected by the gas sensor drops below the adjusted
trip point. The default seqng from the factory for a
specified gas sensor is half the total range. For typical
wiring refer to page 19.
To use as part of a larger gas monitoring and
signaling system, each GAS Alert System will be
mated with a gas sensor. The 4-20mA signal can be
used to drive the GAS Alert System device, plus a
larger monitoring system or PLC monitoring signaling
system. For typical wiring refer to Fig. 19.
Due to system irregula;es the Gas Alert System LED
display, when connected to a gas sensor with no
target gas present, the display may not read at zero.
If this is not acceptable, the user can adjust the LED
display in the Gas Alert System or adjust the zero
seqng in the gas sensor. Refer to pages 9 and 10 for
adjus;ng the gas sensor zero seqng.
To adjust the Gas Alert System LED display, open the
clear cover and remove the LED display panel by
removing the 4 screws. On the backside of the LED
display, adjust the poten;ometer labeled Z un;l the
• Provides local display and alarm based on
measured target gas level
• Visual alarm, Amber LED light
• Audible alarm (mutable)
• Power indicator, Green
• Numeric PPM reading
• Bright LED display
• Shipped factory calibrated and tested
Operating Temperature Range: -10ºF (-23ºC) to
125ºF (50ºC)
Humidity Range (Non-condensing): 0-95%
Voltage Requirements: 24V AC/DC, 50/60 Hz
Display: LED, Red
Loop Resistance: 100 ohms
Power Requirements at 24V AC, 50/60Hz with sensor:
Power Requirements at 24V DC with sensor: 247mA
Audible Alarm Sound Pressure: 97dB at 2 feet
Tone Type: Continuous, 2900 Hz
Muted Sound Pressure: 60dB at 2 feet
Visual Alarm, LED Lamp: Amber, 38 lumens
Enclosure: Watertight, NEMA4X (IP65)
Pollution Degree: 4
True Altitude: 2000M
Installation Category: 1
Duty Cycle: 100%
Equipment Class: 3
The GAS Alert System is shipped factory calibrated
and tested; ready to use. Mount in a location safe
and easily accessible. Avoid thermal extremes and
areas where falling water or condensation moisture
is present.
The GAS Alert System can be mounted to any solid
flat surface. Two options are available for mounting;
screw the base to a solid flat surface or clip-on to a
DIN-rail. The lower cover must be removed to access the
two mounting holes for screw mounting. Attach to the
wall with the appropriate mounting screws. Replace the
cover when complete.
The GAS Alert System can be used as a standalone, locally
monitored system or as part of a larger gas monitoring
and signaling system. The lower cover to the terminal
compartment must be removed to gain access for wiring.
Knockouts are available for ¼˝ and ½˝ conduit or liquid
tight cable clamps. To use as a standalone system one
gas sensor is required. The gas sensor is powered via
the GAS Alert System. The gas sensor 4-20mA signal is
fed back to the GAS Alert System to allow for a numeric
readout of the actual PPM value measured. The gas
sensor internal relay is wired to the GAS Alert System to
trigger the signaling lamp and sounder. The GAS Alert
System signal lamp and sounder will clear when the gas
level as detected by the gas sensor drops below the
adjusted trip point. The default setting from the factory
for a specified gas sensor is half the total range.
To use as part of a larger gas monitoring and signaling
system, each GAS Alert System will be mated with a gas
sensor. The 4-20mA signal can be used to drive the GAS
Alert System device, plus a larger monitoring system or
PLC monitoring signaling system.
Due to system irregulaties the Gas Alert System LED
display, when connected to a gas sensor with no target
gas present, the display may not read at zero. If this is
not acceptable, the user can adjust the LED display in
the Gas Alert System or adjust the zero setting in the
gas sensor.
To adjust the Gas Alert System LED display, open the clear
cover and remove the LED display panel by removing the
4 screws. On the backside of the LED display, adjust the
potentiometer labeled Z until the display reads 0 PPM.
Reverse procedure to assemble.