Standard Operating Procedure
Hansa C27HS Chipper
Version 1 Issue date: 10/03/2017
Page 4 of 6
20 Goodshed Road Upper Hutt
Phone 04 528 4473
Check for damage and any loose parts. Check the condition of the safety stop button.
Check fuel and engine oil levels.
Put on Personal Protective Equipment, including eye protection and hearing protection.
8.2 Engine operation
Check that the discharge chute is pointed away from anyone and that the position
control lever for the feed conveyor is in neutral position, so that the feed roller will not
move. Check the belt drive is disengaged by winding the swivel handle in the counter
clock-wise direction until the handle comes to a stop.
Turn the Fuel Switch to the ON position.
Turn the Engine Switch to the ON position.
If the engine is cold, move the choke lever to the OPEN position.
Turn the key further to the start position, this will crank the engine until such time as the
ignition and fuel system fire the engine. Allow the key to return to the on position and
the engine should settle to an idle.
WARNING! Never run the starter motor for more
than 10 seconds at a time. Allow to cool for 1 minute before starting attempts.
As the engine warms up, gradually move the choke lever to the CLOSE position
Gradually and slowly engage the belt tension swivel handle in the clock-wise direction,
until it comes to a stop. This has to be done slowly to allow the cutting disk to pick up
speed; otherwise the engine will stall because there is high inertia in the cutting disk
Increase throttle to full. WARNING! Engine must run at full throttle for the automatic
feed and feed wheel to operate.
Set automatic feed control to the desired setting.
8.3 Shutdown procedure
Push the throttle control lever to the idle position
Once the engine has reached idle, disengage the belt drive by winding the swivel handle
in the counter clock-wise direction until the handle comes to a stop
Turn the switch to STOP. The rotor will gradually come to a standstill.
WARNING! Do not disengage the belt drive with the machine running at full revs, as this
will cause friction and vibration on the belt drive.
8.4 Use of the Automatic Feed Controller
This system is designed to eliminate the need to control the speed at which the branches are fed
into the chipper manually. A sensor detects the RPM of the rotor (and hence the engine). Once
the RPM of the rotor drops to a pre-set level the feed wheel stops and the branch stops feeding
into the machine. The engine then picks up in RPM and once it reaches a pre-set speed the feed-
roller starts turning, feeding the branch into the chipper. The feed wheel will also reverse back
slightly after stopping (reducing the friction between the wood and blades) resulting in a quicker
engine recovery.
The feed wheel will only work once the engine is turned on and the engine has reached full
throttle after engaging the rotor. If the green LED light on the AFC controller is flashing this
indicates the feed wheel isn’t turning. When this changes to a solid green light (when the engine
reaches maximum throttle of 3600RPM) the feed wheel will be operational.