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It is recommended to perform pH calibration when the probe
is replaced and after any cleaning action.
The analyzer can perform 2 points calibration, 1 point
calibration or process pH calibration.
To perform any pH calibration enter in “pH Menu” - “Cal. pH
In this menu the last calibration date is displayed on the “Cal.
Date” line. If the probe calibration is older than 1 month, a
warning is displayed.
Initial Preparation
Pour small quantities of pH 7.01 (
HI 7007
) and pH 4.01
HI 7004
) or 10.01 (
HI 7010
) solutions into individual
beakers. If possible, use plastic beakers to minimize any EMC
interference. Also NIST buffers of 6.86 or 9.18 could be used.
To enable this protection, edit “pH Menu” - “Dosing control
pH” - “Max. ON” value and set “Max. ON” status as “Active”.
The allowed range is between 30 and 720 minutes.
Two alarm setpoints are available for pH: Alarm high and
Alarm low.
The ALARM LED and relay are activated when the pH value is
higher than Alarm high or lower than Alarm low.
To modify the alarms setpoints, enter the “Alarms pH” menu
and edit “Alarm Hi” value or “Alarm Lo” value.
The alarms can be separately activated or inactivated.
To modify the alarms status, enter the “pH Menu” - “Alarms
pH” menu and edit “Alarm Hi” status or “Alarm Lo” status.
When the status is set to “Inactive”, the alarm is ignored.
The Alarm high value must be greater than Alarm low value.
The analyzer display a warning if the settings are incorrect.
The Alarm high Setpoint and Alarm low setpoint could be quickly
consulted on one pH measuring panel. When an alarm is
disabled, the —.— is displayed instead of alarm value.
Set Default pH Cal.
Process pH Cal.
Buffer pH Cal.
Cal. Date :01/01/01