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If correct password is entered and confirmed, the analyzer will
go in menu mode.
If wrong password is entered, the analyzer displays “Password
incorrect. Settings are not allowed!”, and the user could only
view the analyzer parameters.
The menu is organized as a list of options. Each line of this
- could contain a
- could display an
analyzer parameter or
- could start a func-
To select a menu line, press “UP” or “DOWN” arrow keys.
The selected line is signaled by a black square in the left side
of the display.
If the menu continues outside the viewing area, a double up
or down arrow is displayed on the first or last line of the display.
As a general rule, the “CFM” key will descend into menu and
“ESC” key will return to a higher level.
Pressing “CFM” will make the following actions:
• descend into the sub-menu for sub-menu line.
• no action for parameter line.
• start the function for function line.
Pressing “ESC” will make the following actions
• Return in measure mode when in the main menu
• Return in the previous menu when in submenu
• Return from function before the normal ending
when function is executing
• Exit from edit mode without saving.
To modify a parameter, press “SET” key when a line that
displays a parameter is selected.
The cursor will go to the first digit or letter of the parameter.
If wrong password is entered, editing is not allowed.
The editing sequence depend upon the parameter type.