Hangar 9 Phoenix 7 ARF Assembly Manual
9. Slide the remaining stabilizer into position. At this time
both stabilizers should be pressed tightly against the fuselage.
10. After checking the fit of the stabilizers, remove them
from the fuselage.
11. Mix 1/2 ounce (15ml) of 30-minute epoxy. Place a
small amount of epoxy in the hole for the stabilizer tube in
one stabilizer half. Brush a light coat of epoxy on one half of
the stabilizer tube at this time as well.
12. Slide the stabilizer tube into the stabilizer. Brush a
thin coat of epoxy on the exposed wood of the stabilizer
where it fits against the fuselage.
13. Brush a thin layer of epoxy on the fuselage where
the stabilizer fits. Slide the stabilizer in position and tight
against the fuselage. Use a paper towel and rubbing alcohol
to remove any excess epoxy.
14. Brush a thin layer of epoxy on the fuselage and
stabilizer tube for the remaining stabilizer.
15. Brush a thin layer of epoxy on the exposed wood of
the remaining stabilizer. Make sure to apply a small amount
of epoxy in the hole for the stabilizer tube as well.