Hangar 9 P-51 PTS Mk II Assembly Manual
Step 6
Establish the desired fail-safe stick positions: normally low
throttle and flight controls neutral.
Step 7
Pull and hold the trainer switch on the top of the transmitter
while turning on the power switch. Within a few seconds the
system should connect. The LEDs on the receivers should
go solid, indicating the system has connected. The Trainer
switch can now be released.
Step 8
Remove the bind plug from the receiver before turning off
the receiver and store it in a convenient place. Turn off the
receiver and transmitter to complete the procedure.
Step 9
Unplug the switch harness and aileron extension leads. Plug
the lead from the switch harness back into the battery/bind
port of the receiver. Return the main receiver to its locations,
making sure both the antenna on the receiver are positioned
into the slots cutout in the foam. insert the foam and secure
the receiver hatch with the four screws and a #1 Phillips
Step 10
After you’ve programmed your model, it’s always a good
idea to rebind the system so the true low throttle and neutral
control surface positions are programmed.
Section 12:
Mode 2 vs Mode 1
Your P-51 Mustang PTS is offered with either a Mode 1 or
Mode 2 transmitter. The difference between the two are the
operation of the controls in relationship to the control sticks.
A Mode 2 transmitter will have the throttle and rudder
controls located on the left stick, and the aileron and elevator
controls located on the right stick.
A Mode 1 transmitter will have the elevator and rudder
controls located on the left stick, and the aileron and throttle
controls located on the right stick.
Because there are two transmitter options, they will both be
shown in the following sections for checking and adjusting
your control surfaces. Make sure to reference the correct
“Mode” transmitter in the following sections of the manual.
Mode 2 Transmitter
Mode 1 Transmitter