Hangar 9 Jackal 50 ARF
5. Slide the adapter on the axle. Use a felt-tipped pen
to mark the location for the setscrew and the outside edge
where the axle will need trimmed.
6. Use a rotary tool and cutoff wheel to trim the length
of the axle. Use a flat file to make a 1/4-inch (6mm) wide flat
where the setscrew from the adapter will rest.
7. Place a drop of light machine oil on the axle before
sliding it into the wheel so it rolls smoothly during takeoff
and landing.
8. Assemble the axle and wheel as shown. Use
threadlock on the setscrew before tightening it on the flat
area made in the previous step.
9. Tighten the wheel assembly to the main gear
strut. Use the setscrews provided with the axle adapters
and a 5/64-inch hex wrench to tighten the setscrews. The
setscrews will leave a mark on the strut where you will file in
the next step.
: With the retract mechanism in the up position,
hold the retract frame and wheel flat on your work
surface. This will set the wheel to the correct alignment.
10. Use a flat file to make a flat on the strut for the
setscrews. This will provide an area for the setscrews to be
tightened on, and prevent the wheel from rotating during
takeoff and landing.
11. You can now attach the wheel assembly to the
strut using the setscrews and a 5/64-inch hex wrench. Make
sure to use threadlock on the setscrews to prevent them
from vibrating loose. Make sure the wheel is perpendicular
to the retract actuator before tightening the setscrews.