Section 2: Installing the Aileron Servos
Wings w/ailerons attached (taped in place)
Not Included
Servos w/mounting hardware (4) (60 oz/in minimum torque)
3" Servo Extension (2) (JRPA093)
24" Servo Extension (2) (JRPA102)
Y-Harness (2) (JRPA133) (3 for non-computer radios)
Included in Optional Hangar 9
Hardware Kit
1" Servo Arms (4) (HAN3574-JR or HAN3575-Futaba)
Phillips screwdriver
Drill Bit: 1/16"
Electrical tape
Blue Locktite
Parts Needed
Tools and Adhesives Needed
The ailerons require a minimum of 60 oz/in of servo torque.
In the prototype 1/3 Scale CAP 232, we used JR8101 servos.
JR’s 8411s offer a crisp response—the ultimate servo choice.
JR8101 Ultra Precision Wide Bearing
Torque: 90.4 oz/in
Speed: .23 sec/60°
Weight: 1.50 oz
Size: 0.73" x 1.52" x 1.32"
Motor: Coreless
Ball Bearing: Dual
JR8411 Digital Ultra Torque
Torque: 155 oz/in
Speed: .18 sec/60°
Weight: 2.03 oz
Size: 0.73" x 1.52" x 1.32"
Motor: Coreless
Ball Bearing: Dual
It is common to use two servos per aileron on many larger
models. However, this setup requires some special attention to
assure that the servos do not fight each other. If this is not done
correctly, battery consumption will be greatly increased, and
in the case of a high torque digital servo, the servos may be
damaged. When setting up the ailerons with two servos, there
are some special steps that need to be taken.
Step 1.
Select two sets of servos and Hangar 9
1" arms that
have the same neutral. All servos will have a slightly different
neutral. If you are using Hangar 9 metal arms, they don’t all
orient the same, (i.e., the spline is not oriented the same relative
to the arm). First choose one servo and arm, plug it into the
aileron channel on your receiver through the Y-connection, and
set to EXACT NEUTRAL, (i.e., servo arm is perpendicular to the
servo centerline). Next, start plugging in your other servos one
by one and installing the arms until you find one that is as close
as you can get to the EXACT SAME NEUTRAL as the other servo.
Repeat this process to find a second pair of servos.
Step 2.
Install the servo hardware (grommets and eyelets)
included with the servo.
Step 3.
Plug a 3" servo extension into two servos and an 24"
servo extension into the other two aileron servos. Tie a knot at
the connector as shown, then wrap with electrical tape to prevent
the servo connectors from pulling apart.