Section 15: Installing the Rudder and Elevator Linkage
Step 5
Locate a long control wire threaded on one end. Measure
1⁄4" from the non-threaded end and make an L-bend. The
L-bend will insert into the dowel. Notch the dowel to
allow the wire to seat into the wood as shown.
Step 6
For the other end of the pushrod, measure 3” from the
end of the dowel. In this case, drill the 5⁄64" hole
90-degrees to the previous hole and use the shorter
non-threaded wire.
Step 7
Mix a small amount of 6-minute epoxy and glue the
wires to the dowel. Use masking tape to hold the wire
while the epoxy cures.
Step 8
Once the epoxy has set, remove the masking tape and
slide the heat shrink tubing (provided) and use a heat gun
to shrink the tubing in place.
Step 9
For the rudder pushrod, repeat Steps 4 through 8 with the
only difference being the measurement for the threaded
wire. Measure 2" from the end of the dowel for the
threaded wire; the non-threaded wire is 3" from the end
the same as the elevator.
: The pushrods cross each other in the
fuselage. The elevator servo is on the right
side of the fuselage and the rudder pushrod
is on the left.