RRRR would be the following:
0 RRRR = \m 33f033 11 69f069 6bf06b 6cf06c
f011 24f024 4b \b f04b
For your convenience, the scan codes listings can be
found on our web site.
Great care must be exercised when defining custom
make/break scan code sequences, as invalid scan
codes can lock up a PC.
2.2.4 Entering Combinations of Predefined Keys
Custom scan code sequences can also be defined by
concatenating up to 8 predefined keys. Predefined
keys are separated by the + symbol. For example, the
following chord definition will produce a shift alt back-
space combination.
F LM00 = shift+alt+bksp
When the Twiddler2 generates the make sequence the
keys are read from left to right, but when generating the
break they are read right to left. This insures the most
recent press is released first, and so on.
2.3 Defaulting/Clearing Key Maps
Pressing the N+S LM00 chord will allow the user to
clear out all custom key map edits, and set the key map
to its default setting. Note this function also sets the
2.2.3 Entering Make/Break Sequence
To enter a custom Make/Break sequence the following
format is used.
t ffff = \m<make> \b<break>
The <make> and <break> sequences are specified
using two-character ASCII hex bytes. For example, the
following sequence will define an Alt+a.
F LM00 = \m 11 1c \b f0 1c f0 11
Note that the spaces are optional, but can be included
for clarity. Both a make and a break sequence must be
defined. The case of the hex characters a-f is ignored.
0 R0LM = \m1170f070 69f069 72f072 6b\bf06b
0 R0LM = \m1170f070 69f069 72f072 6bf06b
give the SAME result (Alt 0124). The only difference is
during the TYPEMATIC feature when a sequence is
repeatedly sent out, it is only the \m section.
Scan code programming is quite powerful in that you
can contruct whole strings and combinations (including
the embedding of Alt codes) and assign them to a sin-
gle T2 combination. For example, "hôtel" assigned to 0